I guess it's true what they say about rescue dogs...

I guess it's true what they say about rescue dogs...

I adopted Luk from the SPCA.  The owners had surrendered him; he was an "issue" dog.
The minute he got here, he turned the house up-side-down! ...destroyed 5 pairs of shoes, ate my graphic pen, even nibbled on my couch.  God help those holding the leash if he saw a dog, cat, or squirrel... oh boy... an arm out of socket, a leash pulling kind of dog. Worst of all, a never look you in the eye kind of dog.
 ...with lots of potential.

We have been going on walks, out jogging, to the lake, we learned how to play fetch and learned the meaning of STAY.  Jogs became a pleasure, walks became relaxed, Luk became a companion... a buddy everyone wants.

Today, we went for a jog on a 30' lead; I didn't even have to say 'stay' when he got to the street... he just stopped and waited, I picked up the leash and simply said 'Heel.'  Most importantly though, I can now look him in they eyes and he won't tear away; he'll look right back.

He had so much pinned up energy, he didn't know how to play; he was hurting everyone around him and now he can play... with a two year old... gently.

So yea... I guess it is true what they say about rescue dogs; they really are great.

Can't wait to see what two more months will bring:)