The Squirrel Incident

Well, Luk finally did it.
He was chasing the squirrels all this time and he finally got one.
The poor thing was pinned to the ground when Laimis and I ran outside to rescue it.
Luk's damages: bleeding from squirrel bites.
Squirrel's damages: freaked the hell out and slobbered on.
The little squirrel finally got up enough courage to move and made it for a tree, but was barely holding onto the bark from breathing so hard and being so shaken by the ordeal. Slowly it went up the tree, barking at me; I made sure it wasn't hurt otherwise. So glad Luk was just "playing" with it like a lion playing with a mouse to show the kids how it's done... I just don't think I could handle a squirrel death by mauling.