Simplify Your Life

Our lives are constantly changing, because we constantly change.  The chapters keep adding up in the book of our lives, and hopefully, one day, our book will be nice and heavy, filled with priceless experiences, saturated by everything and everyone around us... the essence of who we are now.

Some of the pages turn, yet we barely notice, and others are very clear indeed.  I have heard women say that their 40's are when they truly began understanding themselves, and the best time of their lives actually starts... as I approach that age, with a few years to spare, I can most certainly say that this must be true, and can't wait to get there.

I've decided recently to start living my life on my own terms, and although at first it was a very stressful thing to think about, because change is always scary, as the days go by, I'm more and more centered and I feel that this was the best decision I've made, so far.  Of course, I couldn't feel this way without all the past chapters and so I am thankful for each and every one.

For the past eight years I've been designing spectacular pieces of wrought iron as well as other metals; railings, drive gates, chandeliers, and just about anything else one can imagine.  Pieces ordered by some of the best designers in the United States, for the most spectacular multi-million dollar mansions you can think of.  It's been a playground of "never boring land."  One day a Mediterranean Villa, the next a French work of art, followed by an experience of the Spanish variety, and perhaps something Transitional and Eclectic.  At first, it was hard to no longer be there; working for Potter Art Metal Studios has been a priceless learning experience on so many levels, something to cherish always, especially since it led me to this moment.

Now it's time for a new chapter in my life, and it is clear-cut for sure; I am very aware of what is happening in my book.

I'm currently working on two canvases and both have a very telling story to tell... I'm adding color to and simplifying my life.  I'm not sure how long this new direction will last, I can never guess what will pour onto the canvas; it simply happens and it's always based on what is going on in my life on a subconscious level, I know that much.  I have to say that it's pretty fun even though at times painful to discover what meaning the canvas or sculpture holds, but I'm always willing to take the ride.

Meanwhile, I have a few thoughts scribbling in my head.  I believe that I'm going to start my own line of coffee tables; something no one's seen before.  I have a few concepts bouncing around... can't wait to put them all together.  The other is something I've been meaning to do for a very long time and never got to it; a large scale sculpture, already in my head.  I'm also working really hard on my new home on the web as well, and can't wait to show it off to you.  Life is beautiful; it's time to breathe a little bit deeper.