I clicked on the link and ALL of my LinkedIn connections popped up on the screen! Overwhelming much? YES! I thought... well, that is a lot of work... Okay, I will simply say "please recommend me, and if we have not worked on a project together, here's a link to my work"
Sounded like a great idea at the time, but... let me give you a heads up, don't ever do this!
Apparently people whom I know thought it was spam because I said "if I don't know you", and the people with whom I have not done a project thought it was spam because I said "please recommend me." LOL
The Moral Of The Story:
Leave the blue bubble alone,
even if it's driving you crazy!
I have 1 recommendation from Sandra Prater (thank you for taking the time Sandra:)
a bunch of "Izabela, is this spam?" letters
and One Blue Bubble, which just won't go away:)