Ornamental Metalwork and Lighting Designs by Izabela Wojcik... The Process...

I always get this question:

"What programs do you use to design

I have to say that I do not use only one
program... depending on what I want
to do, I will utilize a pen, a pencil,
markers, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop, and even clay or
paper cutouts... what ever it takes
to get my point across.

I hand drew the lantern on the top left
corner, I used Illustrator to create
the chandelier design on the top right
corner, and used Photoshop to create
my business card; the sconce on the
back wall was not in the original
photo, I superimposed it.  I also used
Photoshop to superimpose the gate
between existing columns to show my
client what it would look like.