Raw Organic Chocolate and Oatmeal Balls

As most of you know, I am the biggest chocoholic on planet earth, while Laimis is the biggest oatmeal cookieholic.  I have decided to combine the two... and in a healthy way.

This recipe is as easy as it gets and takes no time what so ever.

I purchased some organic rolled oats, raw almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and hazelnuts and dried powdered dates instead of sugar.
Also, a bar of really good dark chocolate with orange peel and a carton of something similar to soy-milk (which is really bad for you because it messes with your hormones), so instead a hazelnut drink.

I put the nuts and oats into the blender and blended all of them a bit until everything was pretty constant, but not too blended, because you don't want to end up with flour. You can decide how much you'd like to end up with... all together I used about a cup of ingredients.

With all the dry ingredients blended together, I started on what will keep it all together; the chocolate mass. I have a tiny little pot for things like this.... it really comes in handy.

I put a little bit of liquid into the pot and started heating it up on low. Into that I broke apart almost half of the chocolate, leaving a row for tempering.
So basically, what ever amount of chocolate square you use, should be covered with the liquid, and in this case, the hazelnut drink. Keep stirring until all the chocolate is melted, and then take it off the heat and stir in another square, if it melts, add another one, and then another one... about the third one won't melt all the way, take it out and put it in your mouth:)

Now, take the warm mixture and add it to your dry mix slowly, a bit at a time, until you end up with something which is easily rolled into a ball, without falling apart.

Which brings us to the next step. Roll a bunch of balls from the mixture you just put together. You're done.

If you want, you can roll the balls in chocolate, or cacao, or coconut flakes... what ever rocks your boat. I just put a hazelnut on top of each one and sprinkled a bit of the dried dates on top.

The best thing about these is that as I said, A. They're really healthy., but B. They fill you up really quickly, so instead of eating an entire chocolate, you'll pretty much be done after two or three of these.

Bon Appetite!